By Desiree Mulinazzi
Today we overcame so many hurdles!
I was able to work with my therapist and complete a workout!
I worked out on a seated bicycle for an allotted minute and focused long enough to complete all my thoughts for the day!
It’s a win for me!
Sometimes in life you have to celebrate the small things! Moving forward is still moving! So many people fail to see that progress no matter the size is still defined as progress!
When battling the arena of chronic illnesses you for real celebrate brushing your teeth some days! Because that is all the energy you have to spend on said day. To even think about pushing a brush in somebody’s hair… haha you better think again … not today Rapunzel! This dream will not be coming true!
I have found that changing my mindset to not think about what used to be but what is and what can be! This is not always how it will be nor will it always be this way! This is just temporary. The focus has got to be a positive one! As a man thinks so he is!!!
Your mind is a strong muscle and can do powerful things!!!
So when you have to do hard things you focus on the positive and you will find you can go farther then you think!
You can think….
I am so happy!!!